this is a short quiz version of my other bi carrd. for further reading, please visit that one as well.

made by @sapphicbisexual

are you bi? - let's find out!

1. do any or multiple of the following definitions apply to you?

attraction to more than one genderattraction to all gendersattraction to the same gender and different gendersattraction regardless of genderattraction to multiple genders

you are not bi!

while bisexuality is different for everybody, there are still requirements for being bisexual.

you could consider if you're straight, gay, or aromantic asexual.

2. are you sexually attracted to people?

Sexual attraction is an emotional response sexual people feel where they find someone sexually appealing, and often results in a desire for sexual contact with the person.

3. are you romantically attracted to people?

Romantic attraction is an emotional response, which most people experience at one point or another, that results in a desire for a romantic relationship with the recipient.

3. are you romantically attracted to people?

Romantic attraction is an emotional response, which most people experience at one point or another, that results in a desire for a romantic relationship with the recipient.

you are bisexual!

yes, there are no other rules for it! bisexuality is a vast category that includes many different experiences and walks of life.

"there are as many ways to be bisexual as there are bi people; just like any other sexuality." -

information about bi misconceptions that are relevant to this quiz

you are biromantic asexual!

this means that you are romantically attracted to more than one gender but sexually attracted to nobody. you are not any less bi than bisexuals and are welcome in our community!

information about bi misconceptions that are relevant to this quiz

you are aromantic bisexual!

this means you are romantically attracted to nobody but sexually attracted to more than one gender. you are not any less bi than biromantics and are welcome in our community!

information about bi misconceptions that are relevant to this quiz